3. Noon to Noon Meeting 1. - 2.7.2024
The third Noon to Noon meeting focused on research funding in the DRR context (disaster risk reduction). The meeting was hosted by the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), which gave an insight into funding instruments, EU missions and the EUREKA program. In addition, there was a review of INTERPRAEVENT 2024 and an overview of the key results of the National Risk Assessment 2023. The Austrian Red Cross presented the three projects RESCUER, MEASURE and the Team Austria, Christine Schermer from the City of Innsbruck presented the project COOLYMP and GeoSphere Austria presented the ARCADIA project.
Third Noon to Noon meeting of the ASDR platform at the FFG in Vienna (Source: Valentin Schalk).
2. Noon to Noon Meeting 20. - 21.11.2023
Beim zweiten Noon to Noon (N2N) Treffen der ASDR Plattform haben sich 20 Vertreter:innen getroffen, um sich zum Thema Katastrophenvorsorge über die neueste Forschung, psychosoziale Aspekte, die Versorgung mit kritischen Gütern in Krisen- und Katastrophenlagen sowie anderen aktuelle Aktivitäten im ASDR-Netzwerk auszutauschen. Dieses Mal hat das Österreichische Rote Kreuz zu sich eingeladen. So konnten Teilnehmer:innen neue Einblicke in das Team Österreich bekommen sowie eine Führung durch die Blutspendezentrale für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland, die ein wichtiges Element in der Gesundheitsversorgung darstellt - nicht nur im Alltag, sondern auch im Krisenfall.
Second noon to noon meeting of the ASDR platform at the Austrian Red Cross at the blood donation centre (Source: Laura Mainetti).
See also:
Retrospect Natural Hazard Conference 2023 in Kufstein
The 3rd ASDR Natural Hazards Conference took place in Kufstein, Tyrol, from September 18th to 21st, 2023. Around 120 experts from various fields - emergency services, municipalities, regions, federal states, federal government, business and science - dealt with various aspects of the topic of natural hazards. The event’s motto was “Sustainable urban and spatial development” with a focus on water. From an excursion on the topic of flood protection in Kufstein to drinking and spring water to the new spatial development concept of the city of Kufstein, everything was there.
The “Natural Hazards in Climate Change Award”, which was awarded to a KLAR! region as every year, went to the KLAR! region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling this year. This award recognizes pioneering regions/pioneering cities or outstanding projects that implement measures or activities that sustainably increase resilience to disasters or natural hazards in communities, cities and regions.
One highlight was the city of Kufstein’s accession to the UN program “Making Cities Resilient 2030”. The goal of Making Cities Resilient is for cities to identify and analyse their local risks in terms of natural hazards and take measures to significantly reduce the number of victims and damage from natural disasters in the future. Around 1,600 cities from 82 countries are now participating in “Making Cities Resilient”. This has already reached half a billion people and increased their safety.
In addition, the city of Kufstein presented the new municipal emergency management to the general public at the natural hazards conference as part of an the emergency organisations showcasing their acitivities.
For further information on the event, please go here.
1. Noon to Noon Meeting 3. - 4.7.2023
The first noon to noon (N2N) meeting of the platform, which took place from July 3rd to 4th at the Hohe Warte in Vienna at GeoSphere Austria, was dedicated to warnings and vulnerable groups. The members gave various presentations on this topic: GeoSphere Austria gave an insight into the basis of warnings and the Austrian Multi-Hazard Impact Based Advice Services (AMAS), their Space Weather Office and a tour of the Operations Center. The Federal Environment Agency presented the Precautionary Check for Natural Hazards in Climate Change, the Austrian Disability Council gave an insight into its work, the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) presented an EU grant on the topic of disaster resilience, and a representative of the Medical University of Vienna presented the project “CAVE - Community Engagement and Vulnerabilities in Coping with Epidemics”.
First noon to noon meeting of the ASDR platform in the garden of GeoSphere Austria with members taking a look at meteorological measurement instruments (Source: Laura Mainetti).